Ehtiyat hissələri
Tesviye Kovası / Hydraulic Tilt Shave Bucket - NG Attachments
Razılaşma ilə
+90 (530) 285 55-28
Elanın nömrəsi: 890
Baxış sayı: 2716
13 Oktyabr 2023
Texnika üzərinə quralışdırılma
Texnika vəziyyəti
Ölkə / Şəhər
Türkiyə, Ankara
Əlavə məlumat
The NG Hydraulic Bucket features a flat bottom design with angled cylinders, to prevent material build up, that offers up to 45° of rotation left and right. Available with a straight or serrated cutting edge.
Top quality high tensile and abrasion resistant steel construction
Available in Wedge Lock, Pin-on, S Series, or Manual Bar lock lugging
Comes pre-drilled for bolt-on cutting edge
No kickstand required – NG buckets stand on their own
Angled cylinders to help prevent material build up
Flow control value to fine tune speed of bucket swing
Top quality high tensile and abrasion resistant steel construction
Available in Wedge Lock, Pin-on, S Series, or Manual Bar lock lugging
Comes pre-drilled for bolt-on cutting edge
No kickstand required – NG buckets stand on their own
Angled cylinders to help prevent material build up
Flow control value to fine tune speed of bucket swing
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